Secure Maximum Compensation with the Help of a Drunk Driving Accident Attorney
Drunk driving can cause devastating accidents and life-changing injuries and have significant consequences for victims and their loved ones. Under Virginia law, drunk driving is heavily penalized. Victims may be entitled to as much as $350,000 in punitive damages. Drunk driving accident attorney Joshua Silverman can guide clients through the process of seeking justice and compensation from our injury law office in Richmond, VA. With his help, clients can avoid the common legal mistakes many make when pursuing restitution to help face these stressful situations. To learn more about how Mr. Silverman can help alleviate the hardships following a drunk driving accident, contact our office.

Injuries Caused by Drunk Driving
A drunk driver can cause catastrophic injuries to him or herself, as well as to others on the road. Victims of these severe accidents can suffer serious, life-threatening, and even fatal injuries. These injuries could include a wide range of injuries from minor scrapes and bruises or broken bones to major traumas such as traumatic brain injuries, spinal cord injuries, or death.
These injuries can cause lifelong pain, suffering, and hardship for victims and their families. Victims may require long-term care, expensive medical treatments, multiple surgeries, rehabilitation, and more. In addition to the physical pain, the traumatic experience of the accident and reduced quality of life can cause mental anguish as well. Victims may suffer from post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD), depression, anxiety, and more.
Under Virginia law, drunk driving is heavily penalized. Victims may be entitled to as much as $350,000 in punitive damages.
Virginia’s Drunk Driving Laws
The state of the Virginia makes it illegal to drive with a blood alcohol content (BAC) that exceeds 0.08%. Even if a drunk driver’s BAC was below 0.08%, victims can still collect damages. Drivers face harsh penalties⏤including jail time and steep fines for driving under the influence. Virginia also has laws regarding BAC for minors (0.02%) and drivers with a commercial drivers license (CDL) (0.04%).
How a Drunk Driving Accident Attorney can Help
Mr. Silverman works with a private investigator to gather evidence of drunk driving in car accident cases. The investigator will research the drunk driver’s past driving records, including any previous convictions of DUI. He will also look for evidence of alcoholism in addition to evidence obtained by law enforcement officers. This information will help Mr. Silverman create a strong case against the drunk driver.
Many victims and their families fail to realize the full amount of compensation to which they are entitled. They may also make small mistakes that can limit how much they receive in compensation. Mr. Silverman can help victims and their families avoid these mistakes to secure full compensation.
Under Virginia law, victims of drunk driving accidents can collect up to $350,000 in punitive damages in egregious cases. Those damages are in addition to damages that compensate for medical expenses, lost wages, property damage, and pain and suffering. With a personal injury attorney like Mr. Silverman on your side, you can expect to receive maximum compensation to alleviate your physical, financial, and emotional hardships.
Let Us Seek Justice for You
If you or a loved one was injured in a motor vehicle accident that was caused by a drunk driver, call our office at (804) 325-4992 or contact us online today. Mr. Silverman can meet with you to thoroughly review your case and the legal options available to you.