Silverman Law Firm LC

Staffing Shortages Continue at Nursing Homes

Jan 4, 2023 @ 01:16 PM — by Josh Silverman
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There is a direct correlation between having sufficient (and qualified) staff to patient injuries at nursing homes and assisted living facilities.  That is why it is so concerning that staffing issues remain at the vast majority of facilities.  In a recent survey of 616 nursing homes and 122 assisted living facilities a whopping 94% of nursing homes and 81% of assisted living facilities reported recent staffing shortages.  

The consequences of staffing shortages can be dire.  At the very least it means the employees are overworked which is unacceptable.  Even worse, it can mean patients are not getting the care they need and deserve.  When staff are not able to respond to call bells, residents are left to sit in their own waste, go hungry, not get their pain meds, and frequently fall as they try to get out of bed to take care of themselve.  

Click here to view the survey