Silverman Law Firm LC

Assuring Quality Care in Nursing Homes and Assisted Living Facilites - Charlottesville, VA

Feb 24, 2014 @ 10:24 AM — by Josh Silverman
Tagged with: Nursing Home Assisted Living Facility

A word of thanks to the Virginia Academy of Elder Law Attorneys (VAELA) for inviting me to speak in Charlottesville, Virginia to about 90 experienced elder law attorneys.  We discussed the state of nursing homes in Virginia and proactive steps attorneys and their clients can take to avoid becoming a victim of nursing home abuse and neglect.  Statistically, Virginia is in the bottom 40% of nursing homes in the United States when measured by the deficiencies found by surveyors.  Smaller facilities have a better track record in Virginia than average.  Facilities in Maryland and North Carolina have a lower rate of deficiencies than Virginia, but we are far ahead of West Virginia.

Some of the topics we discussed included using to review past inspection reports, staffing ratios, and deficiencies, avoiding arbitration clauses, and reviewing policies and procedures.

While I do not prepare complex wills or other estate documents I met several fabulous attorneys who are experts at estate planning, so if you need a recommendation please do not hesitate to contact me and I will point you in the right direction.

Best regards,
